what to do when you’re the jealous friend

2 min readMay 30, 2021

When I see things like “get rid of all the jealous and envious people in your life.” I won’t lie it makes me feel some kind of way. Because sometimes I am that person! Sometimes I am jealous of my friends and people I don’t know. I obviously don’t want to feel jealous, does anyone? But It’s hard not knowing what to do with these emotions.

Of course we know it’s not good, we all know that. But it is an emotion that we are allowed to feel. I feel that by telling ourselves that only bad people and bad friends feel jealous of others does not allow us to deal with jealousy correctly.


Feeling or showing an envious resentment of their achievements or perceived advantages.

Perceived advantages. This stuck with me. Jealously makes us to compare and feel inferior to someone. We look at them and wonder why they have something that we don’t. We start to wonder if we had whatever they had how much better our life would be. But if you think about it, this is all perceived. This is the way we have interpreted the situation. We have decided all of this all on our own simply because of insecurity. So what if this isn’t actually true? When we see something that someone else has that we don’t we automatically decide that this means that this is the reason their life is better than ours.

We decide that this thing is what we need to make our lives better. But last time I checked we are all unique and have different lives.

Their better is not necessarily your better.

There is nothing wrong with feeling jealous. It is human to feel emotion which is temporary feeling. It is what permanent decisions we make based on it that is important.

  1. First things first — Accept that you feel jealous. Acknowledge it and even tell God that you feel this way and that you don’t want to. Covering it up with fakeness is like planting a seed and giving it the darkness it needs to grow.
  2. Tell yourself that this is not you. Remind yourself about the good in your life and the good in you.
  3. Remind yourself that their better is not your better. What is good for you will find you. It may seem like nothing is working out in your life, but that is a lie you have told yourself. All things work together for our good even the things we think are bad. Your better is coming and you need to constantly remind yourself of that.
  4. When negative emotions seem to be the only thing that you are feeling you need to counter act it with positivity. Darkness only flourishes with the absence of light so don’t give negativity and jealousy the darkness it needs to grow.




Oversharing my thoughts while I wing this thing called life